Walk exciting peace trails and learn about peace and its long history

Discover peace trails in the cities of Europe, walk them online or in real

Since January 2021, the discover peacetrails platform offers Peace tourists a different way to visit peace venues digitally or in real (print out the plan):

We show in many cities peace memorials, artwork, busts,  monuments. Locations that you may have seen before, but not under the aspect of being related to peace.  We give you background information on peace history. The peace trails disclose stories about pacifists and their engagement for human rights, peace and democracy. Buildings and locations gain new meanings because you learn about their peace history and the relevance for civil rights movements. Most monuments in our cities display and honor “heroes of wars”, but peace heroes and human rights achievements are hardly ever subjects for a memorial culture, so want to draw awareness to peace matters.

The idea to create a network of cities where peace walking trails can be established, was initiated at the beginning of the 21st century. An initiative of 7 beautiful cities  was awarded a grant by the European commission “Lifelong learning“ project.  The cities peace trails of Paris, The Hague, Budapest, Berlin and Manchester are on this platform.  All peace trails of Europe are invited to join. If you want to sponsor a trail, or propose a new one, backed up with a sponsorship, please contact office@peace-institute.com




This follow-up peace trail project has been funded by the Bertha von Suttner Peace Institute in The Hague.