Democracy Workshop

Dr. Karl Renner Ring 1, 1010 Vienna

Playful learning about democracy for later serious engagement.

“Realistic experiences are necessary for acquiring social competences. The Democracy Workshop therefore offers learning in a joint process of decision making for concrete results, which then become published on the internet.”

The Democracy Workshop is located in the Palais Epstein. This Parliament-associated institution was established for the promotion of understanding, interest and democratic political knowhow for the age group 8–14 as an experiment field and Democracy Workshop. All offers here have to do with the playful approach to basic issues of democracy in order to give children and young people the possibility to develop self-responsibility together with competence in cooperative political engagement.

The necessary transition from antiquated thinking in social classes based on military power to a community of free and equal citizens requires a mental change of thinking. As with other rules of conduct, also political habits are passed on further in family education and adopted in the school education. In order to support the process of democracy education and politically necessary participation, the Democracy Workshop of the Parliament provides respective learning and experiencing offers. If conduct should be learned, concrete experiences are necessary. For this reason, tangible results through co-determination and participation are acquired in the workshops. These results that have been acquired in the common process are published on the Internet.

Barbara Prammer, who is the first National President since October 2006 and stands directly behind the Federal President in the political Austrian hierarchy, especially engages herself for democratic education. Out of conviction, she supports within the framework of her political action possible educational offers for the promotion of interests and awareness for democratic rules of conduct – and, therewith, also emphatically for the possibilities for active peace.


Registration for workshops
School classes or individuals
Mon-Fri 9am-3pm
Phone (+43).
Mail demokratiewerkstatt(at)
Public transport
Underground U2, U3 Volkstheater
Tram 46, 49, 71, 1, 2, D
Bus 48A, 2A
Time to the next peace trail station
1 minute