Kazimír Info Point

The Info Spot of the newly renovated Kazinczy Street

Kazinczy Steer has a rich and varied history and a vibrant youth and cultural life today. It is home to a university psychology department, a pedagogical faculty and the Museum of Electrotechnics as well. The street has been thoroughly nenovated recently, including the building of the Orthodox synagogue, the Museum of Electrotechnics and the entrance hall of the university building as well.

‘Kazimír Pont’, at 34, Kazinczy Street is the new info spot of the Jewish Quarter. Having joined the ‘Street of Culture’ project of the European Union, it showcases the architectural and cultural heritage of the 7th district of Budapest (Erzsébetváros) to locals and tourists. It offers up-to-date information on the past and present of the neighbourhood – apart from general tourist info, also the cultural and entertainment programs. They also host concerts, exhibitions, literary events and children’s programs and sell books (cultural history, gastronomy and fiction) mostly connected to the neighbourhood.

The name ‘Kazimir’ is related to Slavic ‘Vladimir’, also known as ‘Voldemar’ or ‘Waldemar’ throughout Scandinavia, as a result of the medieval cultural connections between the Russians and the Danes. It means ‘he who owns peace’ or ‘he who owns the world’, depending on interpretation. ‘Kazimir’ exists in contemporary Hungarian as ‘Kázmér’. Similarly to other Slavic names ending in ‘–mir’, it is associated with ‘peace’, as in Jaromir ‘peace in springtime’, Ljubomir ‘peace loving or beloved peace’ and Bogomir ‘divine peace’.

“The cholent will always be as good as the guest it is served to.”

Question. How do you think finding out about different cultures helps fighting against prejudices?

Recreation spots: Coffee is at half price every weekday int he morning at Kazimír Restaurant.

Opening hours
Mon-Fri 10am-6pm
Information www.info.kazimir.hu
Public transport
Trolley 74 Nyár utca/Nagy Diófa utca
Buses 5,7, 7A, ,8, 112, 239 Uránia
Time to the next peace trail station
5 minutes

Nyitva tartás
H-P 10:00-18:00
Információ www.info.kazimir.hu
74-es trolibusz Nyár utca/Nagy Diófa utca
5-ös, 7-es, 7A, 8-as, 112-es és 239-es busz Uránia
Menetidő a következő békeséta-állomásig
5 perc

