István Türr

Turns to peace diplomat from freedom fighter. The bronze plaque was made by Zsigmond Kisfaludi Strobl and was put in place in 1929

István Türr (born Thier) didn’t bother with his schooling for too long. He soon became an apprentice in a locksmith’s workshop, then in a mill and finally at a stonemason’s. He volunteered in the army and was accepted at the second trial. He became a lieutenant in Marshal Radeczky’s army (he bore the name Türr by this time) and was sent to Italy, where he fought in the cruel fights against Piedmont and the merciless revenge campaign against Milan. Having seen all this he deserted and switched to the Piedmont army – throughout his later military career he always supported the side which was against the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and fought for freedom and independence. After the defeat of the Hungarian revolution he lived in several European countries, trying to find opportunities for revolutionary ventures. He was a bold soldier and adventurous plotter with excellent capacities. He was a people person, who learnt to speak Italian, French, German and English, conducting correspondence and meetings in all these languages. His military career skyrocketed – he became the governor of Naples and the adjutant of Vittorio Emmanuel. He was commissioned to carry out delicate diplomatic missions. After the general amnesty, he returned to Hungary.

After this, he became known as a champion of water engineering, promoting the creation of waterways, channels and irrigation systems. He played an active part in the construction of the Franz Channel, the Panama Channel and the Corinthian Channel. Also, he did a lot to forward adult education in Hungary – he was the founder of the Central People’s Education Circle and he was Grand Master of the Free Masons‘ lodge To Matthias Corvinus the Just.

„He takes people’s hearts by siege just as easily as he had done with Palermo.“
– Jókai

In the final stage of his life he became a dedicated supporter of peace. He could mobilise his respectable network and authority to put them in the service of world peace. He went to great lengths trying to establish alliances between France, Italy and Austria-Hungary. He was an active member of the board of the Peace Association of the Countries of the Hungarian Holy Crown (which had its seat in nearby Dorottya Street). He chaired the VII International Peace Congress. He took part in the peace movements of France and Italy. He championed several Hungarian cultural and economic movements and published widely in order to support the progress of Hungarian economy.

Questions: What do you think about this life story?
Why do you think exactly this street got named after István Türr?

Recreation spots: the riverside, Vigadó Square, Vörösmarty Square.

Public transport
M1 Vörösmarty tér
M2 Deák Ferenc tér
Tram 2 Vigadó tér
Time to the next peace trail station
14 minutes

M1 Vörösmarty tér
M2 Deák Ferenc tér
2-es villamos Vigadó tér
Menetidő a következő békeséta-állomásig
14 perc

